
Author: Damien Guillaume


Administrator registration

The administrator must start by registering as a tutor with the page SITENAME/Inscription?fonction=tuteur (the first user to register is automatically validated as an administrator).


After connecting to the administration interface (at SITENAME/Administration), the following menu appears :

New registrations is used to validate registrations to the training website. Valid users, open accounts and All valid users are used to manage user accounts. Creation of the website is used to generate the training website (for students and tutors) and the public website. Website redirects to the training website, for instance to check student readings.


The following fields are displayed for each registration query :

The remove action is available to quicly remove queries.

To validate a registration query, it is necessary to :

A registration validation is of course also a good time to check the fields, especially the email address.

When a registration is validated, an email is sent to the user to warn him. If it is a student with a tutor, another email is sent to the tutor with the student identification. It is possible to assign a tutor after validation, but in this case no email is sent to the tutor.

User accounts

Fields :

User address :

Actions availables with the user lists :

Website creation

If the server configuration includes the path to the websites, it is possible to automatically generate a training website (for students and tutors) and a public website based on the corresponding XPAGES contribution in WebJaxe. The two websites can be created independantly.

If a website already exists, its folder will be renamed with the "old" suffix. It should be later removed by hand on the server.

As a reminder, the following differences exist between the websites :

A problem for the link to the tools is that by default the same home page is generated for the students and the tutors. In practice, home pages are often created by hand and the index.html files are replaced by hand after the website generations.



Removing the old records for exercises, readings and connections, example with the date "2008-08": do SQL queries directly on the database (currently there is no web interface to do that) :

delete e.* from exercices e where < '2008-08'
delete l.* from lectures l,connections c where c.debut < '2008-08' and l.numconnection=c.numero
delete c.* from connections c where c.debut < '2008-08'